Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ungrateful Recipient

So my sweet mother taught my how to sew when I was about thirteen and I haven't touched a sewing machine since. Until just now. I decided I wanted to retake up the hobby. I got a machine on craigslist and read a few tutorials online. And I sewed a little skirt for Libby. It was very simple, has several mistakes and looks quite homemade, but its a start and I am kinda proud of it. Libby was not so thrilled with my endeavor. In fact, here is her reaction to my homesewn garment:
C'mon, Libbs, its not like you have to wear it to the prom...


Loralee said...

must teach me!

Camille said...

That is a really cute skirt and cute material! Where did you find the pattern?

karensumpter said...

ha ha ha! good job nat!

DuncanAndCandice said...

I think its so cute. Good job :)

DuncanAndCandice said...
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Melanie said...

Holy Crafty!!?!?! You're so awesome. Libbers is hilarious. Miss you.

Brianne & Jarod said...

I think it is super cute! GO YOU! and very very funny video!