Sunday, March 8, 2009

Snowman on Monday, BBQ on Saturday

Here is Durham we experienced some funny weather this last week. On Monday school was canceled for Eric due to a snowstorm. Its not like it was even a very bad one, but here they don't really have the means to clear the roads well and all that. Anyway, Ethan and Eric made a little snowman and all that. By Friday, we were experiencing 70 degree gorgeousness. We spent a huge portion of the afternoon at the park and we all got a sunburn. Saturday was the exact same way. We were at the park for hours and even had a BBQ with our friends. It was the loveliest weather you can imagine. Ethan had such a blast playing outside. The days go by so much quicker when romping around outdoors is an option.
Warm weather, stay around, I love you!!

1 comment:

Stefani said...

our temps have been 30 in the a.m and 70ish in the afternoon. Very strange, but beautiful weather.